Developing a method that helps you learn English on your own is essential.
You can learn and improve your English by doing things like listening to music, watching movies or TV shows, reading books or newspapers, and conversing with native English speakers.
Study tools such as online courses and mobile apps are also easily accessible.
Whatever method you choose, consistency in practise is essential.
You can become more fluent in English over time if you give it your full attention.
Dr Study offers a unique, targeted approach to help students build confidence and competency with the English language.
How to Motivate Yourself for English Self Study
However, the next question is where to start when it comes to self-education. The first thing you should do is pick a method that you are comfortable with and that you find enjoyable.
You should feel motivated enough to keep going until you feel ready to try other approaches to learning English on your own.
In a hurry? Here are some suggestions:
Listen To Music And Learn All The Lyrics
It’s true that everyone can find something musically satisfying. Listening to music sung in a language other than English will not aid in your acquisition of the language.
In your opinion, what are some of the best songs out right now? What band do you listen to more, Maroon 5 or Ed Sheeran?
Everywhere you go, whether it’s a car, a grocery store, or a shopping mall, you’re bound to hear a cover of a popular song.
There are several online radio stations that play them in English.
Because of the difficulty in understanding the lyrics, rock and rap may not be the best options (too fast or difficult to hear). It also won’t help you sound more intelligent or improve your diction.
To get started, head over to YouTube and look for something entertaining to watch or listen to.
As soon as you think you have the lyrics down pat, play it again and again until they become automatic.
Your next step should be to look for a recording of the song that includes vocals. For instance, you could begin learning the words to Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud” by listening to the original song or watching the music video.
You can sing along with the instrumental accompaniment or go acapella when you feel ready to perform the entire song on your own.

Watch Videos in English Regarding Your Interests
You can only watch videos if you have a YouTube account and are logged into it.
Doing so will help you improve your English in terms of both comprehension and fluency. Conversational English, the form of English you should use when speaking to other people, is best learned through exposure to examples of it, such as reviews and interviews.
There is no need for an official interview or test. It’s possible that you’ve got questions about a certain piece of technology because you’re intrigued by it.
After all, what could possibly go wrong with listening to someone’s point of view? To see a video review of the iPhone 11 by The Verge, click here, for instance.
If you’re into movies, you might like reading interviews with your favourite actors and actresses.
Think about watching the interview with Robert Downey Jr. about “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” You should pay more attention to and learn more from content written in native English than you would to content written in any other language, regardless of how recently an interview or review was conducted.
Consider how amazing it would be if all of the materials covered in English class were presented in English.
Watch English Movies And Tv Shows
One of the best ways to learn the language is by exposing oneself to it in the form of film and television.
You will be able to overhear large groups of people speaking various modern varieties of English.
It’s a great tool for picking up on idiomatic expressions and slang words used in everyday English conversation.
If you are having trouble understanding the actors, you should probably activate the subtitles first.
After you’ve mastered the vocabulary, you can test your listening comprehension by watching the video without subtitles.
You should also do your best to commit the lines to memory. You can always look up a transcript online if the dialogue in a movie is too challenging for you to understand.
The Internet Movie Script Database (IMSDb) is a large library of scripts compiled to assist people in selecting a script for their next film. Subtitles allow you to watch movies of your choice while following along with the text.
Learn How To Get The Most Out Of English Media
Music, videos, TV shows, and movies dubbed in English can help you sound more fluent in the language. They are, of course, sometimes completely incomprehensible.
It’s possible that the media (radio, TV, movies) exaggerate the speed with which people speak. Therefore, they frequently cut each other off when they are in the midst of a thought.
A lot of the time they’ll throw around idioms and expressions that you won’t understand.
No actor in a film will ever pause mid-conversation to address the audience directly and define some jargon.
Test Your Grammar With Online English Quizzes
One potential pitfall of self-studying is an inability to recognise one’s own errors and inaccuracies.
Contrarily, this is one of the many benefits of studying English independently: you can check your own work whenever it is convenient for you. Those who prefer to learn on their own often ask themselves, “Am I right?”
It’s easy to gauge one’s English skills by taking advantage of free online quizzes. You won’t just be tested on what you understand, but also on your ability to properly construct sentences and use other grammar-related tools.
Having these checks done once a week or once a month will help you know if you’re heading in the right direction.
Chat With Friends Online
Talking to people you’ve never met in person while learning English is a great way to pass the time. It’s not like talking to a professor, learning in a classroom, or using business English in the workplace because the atmosphere is relaxed and the language is simple.
It’s possible to get in touch with people via Facebook Messenger, Twitter, and Skype.
Having casual conversations with others is a great way to practise what you’ve learned and improve your English proficiency.
Before you hit “enter,” take a quick glance at your keyboard chatting to make sure there are no spelling or grammatical mistakes. Get some live practise with your English conversational skills by making and taking calls in virtual form.
It’s also helpful to surround yourself with people who are fluent in English if you’re trying to inspire yourself to study the language. You can brag about how much progress you’ve made in your English, and you’ll feel good about yourself because you’ll be able to strike up impromptu conversations in English with any of your friends whenever you like.
Read E-Books, Articles And Online Magazines
When it comes to learning English, reading is just as important as listening. Reading and listening are great ways to learn the language and help you develop your mind.
It takes time and effort for people who are not native English speakers to translate the language in their heads as they speak. Learning how to think in English, however, makes it much simpler to communicate in English.
By reading more, you will be able to learn new words, grammar rules, and styles of formal and informal English speech. Because of this, there is a wide variety of sentence structures available to those studying English.
There is a wealth of English-language content available online, from e-books and articles to magazines. If you want to learn more about something, try looking for a book or website that covers the subject.
Do you find pleasure in reading about relationships, tending to a garden, or preparing a meal for others?
By reading whatever interests you, you can expand your vocabulary and strengthen your reading comprehension.
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Write About Something You’re Thinking About
The time will come when you must apply the knowledge you’ve gained through your own independent study and investigation.
To get going, it’s ideal to put pen to something you’ve thought up on your own.
You don’t need to warm up by reading an established online piece before diving into writing your own journal. The opportunity to show off your knowledge and proficiency in English grammar and vocabulary is afforded to you in the form of writing.
After you’re done writing, there’s no harm in looking for mistakes. If you want to check your writing with a grammar chequer later, you should save it to a file.
Join Language Exchange Websites Online
Those learning English and eager to practise their communication skills with others in a similar situation will be pleased to know that language exchanges are a central focus of a growing number of websites.
Joining a language exchange community will help you learn a language faster by putting you in touch with others who are also studying it on their own.
You can find native English speakers willing to chat and assist you in any way on Speaky. You can use this website or one like it, which are both options.
Coffee is a great place to practise English pronunciation and expand your vocabulary through online games.
Always be sure to communicate in English
Learning and practising English shouldn’t be confined to the comforts of your own home or to the company of people you already know.
Don’t be shy about asking a saleslady for help in English if you find yourself in a shopping mall in a country where English is widely spoken and you’re trying to locate a specific item.
Make sure you know how to get what you need by asking for it and how to buy it by looking up the words in an online dictionary before you leave the house. Making your requirements crystal clear will aid in getting what you want and understanding the responses you receive.
If you need to make a phone purchase or enquiry about a service, you should be able to do so in English.
Even if the other person doesn’t have a strong grasp of English, it’s best to use English whenever possible. It’s crucial to keep the lines of communication open.
Listen, Listen, And Listen Again!
If you’ve been reading self-study guides to English, you’ve probably picked up on a recurring theme: how important it is to hear the language spoken by natives.
It’s not in your best academic interest to ignore noises if you want to do well in class.
After all, learning to speak a new language could be compared to learning a new song. The ability to tune into novel sounds and a robust auditory system are both prerequisites. Accessing more options, whether at home or away, is easier than ever with today’s tools.
Being thankful for the opportunities you’ve been given increases the likelihood that you’ll be able to continue communicating in your native tongue. The first piece of advice is to simply immerse yourself in as much English as possible.
As a first step, the radio is a great resource. To stay abreast of the latest news and debates, it’s a good idea to tune in to British radio stations online. Those who host radio shows tend to be fluent in multiple languages. Their on-screen coworkers, however, speak at a much faster rate.
Listening to music that you enjoy is an excellent and enjoyable way to improve. Listening to some of your favourite songs while trying to decipher the lyrics may make you realise how much you actually know. If you want to learn a new language, dancing is a great way to do it.
Lastly, if you’re short on time or have a particularly noisy family, you might find that audiobooks are the best option for you. You can improve your listening abilities by walking while reading, listening to an audiobook, or listening to a recording of a person’s voice.
Forget About Dubbing
Gorgeous animations with plentiful voice actors to choose from. Hollywood, on the other hand, is well-known for creating the majority of the highest-grossing films worldwide.
However, films aren’t the only great resource for learning English; television and videos can be just as helpful.
You can learn a lot about what’s going on in a movie just by watching the actors’ body language. If you’d like to watch the video in English, subtitles are provided.
Training yourself to watch videos without subtitles is a good idea. When your English skills are more advanced, you’ll be able to appreciate the film on a whole new level.
Read a lot, but writing should be your priority
Actually, quite the opposite is true: English is widely spoken in every sector of modern society. Indeed, there is evidence for this from many different publications. You can always find text fragments, new words, examples of the rules, and even exceptions to the rules, regardless of whether you consult the internet, a reliable grammar book, or an advertisement.
Even more so! Activities that force you to recall information from memory, such as studying homophones with flashcards or attempting to apply the grammar rules you learned in your favourite book, can aid retention.
While expanding your vocabulary through reading is beneficial, it is your ability to articulate thoughts in writing that will set you apart as a student and as a future professional. Write English-language letters or emails to far-flung friends and family to stay in touch.
You can prove to yourself that you can make friends anywhere in the world by subscribing to blogs and forums and taking an active part in those communities.
Just Describe What You Find
If you have some down time while watching TV or staring out a window, try to tick off as many items as possible from the list. Just use the language you’re most at ease with.
It makes the connection between your brain and mouth quicker, allowing for faster communication. If you make it a habit to use this method, you will find that you are more fluent in conversation because you will not waste time mentally translating what is being said.
The Online Classroom
When it comes to studying the English language, the internet has quickly become one of the most accessible and useful resources. There is no better place to do your schoolwork than at home, where you can devote as much time as you like to it.
The overall quality of your educational experience will rise because you can progress through the material at your own pace. The Entri platform offers an online English language course. You should begin your journey of independent study by zeroing in on the methods with which you are most at ease.
Lots of practise time is recommended. Learning English on your own will be challenging, but not impossible. Nothing is insurmountable if you believe in yourself, are willing to put in the effort, and are determined. Keep in mind the value of inspiring and motivating yourself.
Write Summaries
The best ways to learn a new language on your own time are through immersion in the language, whether through listening to podcasts, watching English-language videos and TV, or reading books written in English.
Whether verbally or in writing, summarising what you’ve read or heard is an effective learning strategy.
Acquire Some Friends in English
Even if you don’t live in a country where English is the official language, many of your neighbours will likely be from other countries. Participate in conversations with those for whom English is a second language:
- A trip to a foreign country’s restaurants and bars
- Activities such as playing sports and joining clubs
- Helping People Speak to Each Other
Volunteering as a tour guide at a local attraction is a great way to get to know people from all over the world and practise your English.
Find Study Partners
There is no requirement for you to communicate in English with the locals.
Instead, work with a classmate to form an English language club and attend meetings on a regular basis to practise what you’ve learned.
Furthermore, you can encourage one another to continue learning by assisting one another during difficult times.
To maximise the effectiveness of your independent study time, consider the following suggestions for improving your English proficiency.
If you want to make the most of your time studying English and speed up your progress towards your goals, I hope the advice and suggestions presented in this article will help you do just that. If you’re interested in learning more, keep on reading.
Why Try Self-Studying English?
When given the option to study independently, many English language learners experience anxiety.
However, you quickly understand that your home already provides for your every need.
Besides being the most practical resource for independent study, the internet is also the most effective method for enhancing one’s command of the English language.
You can still succeed in the classroom while maintaining a healthy fitness routine. If you have everything you need, you can study wherever is most practical for you.
The best part is that there is no need to worry about being rushed through your studies because you are responsible for setting your own pace and not the teacher or the other students (progress). Due to the flexibility, you will be able to learn more from this experience.
The most important thing is that you will eventually get to a place where you can continue to develop your English skills independently. The ability to prove oneself capable while studying English on one’s own can be a powerful motivator. When you’re constantly motivated, success comes easily.

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We hope that these suggestions will aid you on your path to English fluency. Don’t forget that there’s no replacement for hands-on experience.
Reserve consistent time each week to study the target language. A significant improvement in your level of fluency is possible after dedicated study and practise.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The First Step To Learning English?
– Smile and breathe. No matter what your level of English is, confidence is vital.
– Memorise examples with vocabulary. Don’t just memorise lists of words.
– Listen to learn.
– Exercise your mouth muscles.
– Copy a native speaker.
How Can I Improve My English In 1 Month?
– Speak, speak, speak!
– Use technology.
– Listen.
– Read out loud.
– Learn a new word every day.
– Watch films.
– Make friends.
– Do interesting activities in English.
How Can I Improve My English Reading Skills?
– Annotate and highlight text.
– Personalise the content.
– Practice problem-solving skills.
– Incorporate more senses.
– Understand common themes.
– Set reading goals.
– Read in portions.
– Let students guide their reading.
How Can I Improve My English Speaking Skills?
– Study Online English Materials for ESL Students.
– Practice English Anytime with Mobile Apps.
– Take a MOOC.
– Connect with Other English Learners.
– Speak with Native English Conversation Partners.
– Follow Educational Websites in English.
– Have Fun with Online TV, Music and Movies.
Why Can’t I Concentrate When I Read?
– It takes our brain a little bit of time to ramp up and zone in on the reading material.
– As a result, it can cause several reading-related inefficiencies.
– Most importantly, it can lower our ability to focus on the information we are trying to retain.
In order to educate yourself, you must devise a system that will assist you in learning English independently. To achieve this goal, it is recommended to use study tools such as online courses and mobile apps, as well as to engage in activities such as listening to music, watching movies or TV shows, reading books or newspapers, and conversing with native English speakers. Be consistent in your practise until you feel ready to try other methods of learning English, as this is the single most important factor in your long-term success in becoming fluent in English. To begin, it is recommended that you listen to music and memorise all of the lyrics, seek out a recording of the song that includes vocals, and watch videos in English related to your interests. Having a YouTube account and being signed in are both requirements for video playback.
Reviewing reviews and listening to interviews are great ways to practise speaking English fluently. Content written in native English should be given more attention and more weight than content written in any other language, regardless of how recently an interview or review was conducted. Watching English-language media, turning on subtitles, and memorising dialogue are all great ways to boost your listening comprehension and spoken fluency. In order to help people choose a script for their next film, the Internet Movie Script Database (IMSDb) has amassed a large library of scripts. Misunderstandings may arise when the media exaggerates how quickly people speak.
Taking advantage of free online quizzes, chatting with friends online, reading e-books, articles, and magazines, and practising with casual conversations are all great ways to enhance your command of the English language. Finding friends and family members who can communicate with you in English is also beneficial. In conclusion, reading and listening are wonderful ways to learn the language and expand one’s mind. Reading more can help you learn English by exposing you to new vocabulary, rules of grammar, and formal and informal registers of speech. Everything from e-books and articles to magazines can be found online in English.
Joining a language exchange website can help you learn English more quickly by connecting you with others who are also studying the language, and writing about something you’re thinking about is a great way to demonstrate your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary. You should always speak English when getting a cup of coffee because it is a great place to practise your pronunciation and learn new words. In a mall in a country where English is widely spoken, don’t be afraid to ask for assistance in English from a saleslady. Before leaving the house, make sure you can describe what you need and how to pay for it by consulting an online dictionary. You should be able to use English if you need to make a phone purchase or enquiry about a service.
Always be willing to talk to people and try to learn as much English as you can. Listening to music you enjoy on the radio is a fantastic and pleasurable way to better yourself, and the radio is a great resource for keeping up with the latest news and debates. Learning a new tongue through dance is a viable alternative.
While audiobooks are fantastic, there are other media that can be just as useful for language learners. You can train your ears to hear better by walking while reading, listening to an audiobook, or listening to a recording of a person’s voice. If you want to stand out as a student and as a future professional, you need to develop your writing skills. Subscribe to blogs and forums and participate in those communities to show yourself that you can make friends anywhere in the world. Last but not least, try to cross as many things off the list as you can while you’re sitting around doing nothing.
Due to the accessibility and convenience of the internet, students can now spend as much time as they like studying the English language. Students can better their command of English by immersing themselves in the language, making English-speaking friends, chatting with those for whom English is a second language, mediating conversations between individuals, finding study partners, and writing summaries. Following this guidance and direction, students will be able to maximise their time spent studying English and make greater gains more quickly. Many students of English who are given the option to study on their own report feeling anxious at the prospect. But the internet is the best tool for improving one’s command of English, and one need not feel rushed while doing so. Set aside regular time each week to study the target language; with practise and time invested, you will see your fluency improve dramatically.
Is your child struggling with English? Let us help.
Content Summary
- Developing a method that helps you learn English on your own is essential.
- You can learn and improve your English by doing things like listening to music, watching movies or TV shows, reading books or newspapers, and conversing with native English speakers.
- However, the next question is where to start when it comes to self-education.
- Listening to music sung in a language other than English will not aid in your acquisition of the language.
- Conversational English, the form of English you should use when speaking to other people, is best learned through exposure to examples of it, such as reviews and interviews.
- One of the best ways to learn the language is by exposing oneself to it in the form of film and television.
- After you’ve mastered the vocabulary, you can test your listening comprehension by watching the video without subtitles.
- Music, videos, TV shows, and movies dubbed in English can help you sound more fluent in the language.
- One potential pitfall of self-studying is an inability to recognise one’s own errors and inaccuracies.
- Those who prefer to learn on their own often ask themselves, “Am I right?”It’s easy to gauge one’s English skills by taking advantage of free online quizzes.
- Talking to people you’ve never met in person while learning English is a great way to pass the time.
- Having casual conversations with others is a great way to practise what you’ve learned and improve your English proficiency.
- Get some live practise with your English conversational skills by making and taking calls in virtual form.
- Learning how to think in English, however, makes it much simpler to communicate in English.
- The opportunity to show off your knowledge and proficiency in English grammar and vocabulary is afforded to you in the form of writing.
- Joining a language exchange community will help you learn a language faster by putting you in touch with others who are also studying it on their own.
- Coffee is a great place to practise English pronunciation and expand your vocabulary through online games.
- Don’t be shy about asking a saleslady for help in English if you find yourself in a shopping mall in a country where English is widely spoken and you’re trying to locate a specific item.
- After all, learning to speak a new language could be compared to learning a new song.
- The first piece of advice is to simply immerse yourself in as much English as possible.
- As a first step, the radio is a great resource.
- MusicListening to music that you enjoy is an excellent and enjoyable way to improve.
- However, films aren’t the only great resource for learning English; television and videos can be just as helpful.
- Training yourself to watch videos without subtitles is a good idea.
- Write English-language letters or emails to far-flung friends and family to stay in touch.
- When it comes to studying the English language, the internet has quickly become one of the most accessible and useful resources.
- The Entri platform offers an online English language course.
- Learning English on your own will be challenging, but not impossible.
- There is no requirement for you to communicate in English with the locals.
- To maximise the effectiveness of your independent study time, consider the following suggestions for improving your English proficiency.
- However, you quickly understand that your home already provides for your every need.
- Besides being the most practical resource for independent study, the internet is also the most effective method for enhancing one’s command of the English language.
- The most important thing is that you will eventually get to a place where you can continue to develop your English skills independently.
- The ability to prove oneself capable while studying English on one’s own can be a powerful motivator.
- Don’t forget that there’s no replacement for hands-on experience.
- Reserve consistent time each week to study the target language.

Dr. Olga Abeysekera
Dr Olga Abeysekera, founder of Dr Study Tutoring and the Dr Progress Group Pty Ltd, is passionate about transforming education through innovative and personalised tutoring. With a PhD in Management from Monash University and a background in both academic research and private tutoring, she has a deep commitment to helping students excel.
Her holistic approach at Dr Study Tutoring emphasises not only academic success but also the development of lifelong skills, ensuring that each student receives the best education and support possible. Dr Olga’s dedication to continuous improvement drives her mission to inspire a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.