
What Are The Factors That Influence Learning?

The ability to acquire new knowledge is a fundamental characteristic shared by all living things.

Learning can be defined as the process of acquiring knowledge and abilities through study, observation, instruction, or experience.

Learning can take place through a wide variety of different activities, such as through the reading of books or the attendance at lectures.

What are the different aspects that contribute to one’s level of education?

You will gain a better understanding of how your ability to learn new things is impacted by factors such as your age, gender, environment, and skill level after reading this blog post.

There are many things that can have an effect on learning, but the two primary categories are internal resources and external resources.

Both an individual’s level of intelligence and their level of memorisation ability are examples of internal resources, while examples of external resources include the type of education an individual has received as well as their environment (or surroundings).

The factors that influence learning are going to be the topic of discussion in today’s blog post.

Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge and abilities through either direct experience or exposure to existing information.

There are a wide variety of approaches to education that have been utilised by people throughout history; however, there are a few constants that influence the rate at which a person can pick up new information.

For instance, if you are going on vacation and want to learn a language before you go, you need to know what your goals are in order to determine how long it will take you to become fluent in the language.

This can help you plan accordingly.

If a person has more time on their hands to devote to acquiring new skills, they will do so more quickly than their counterparts who have a more limited amount of spare time because they will have more opportunities open to them.

Many students find themselves struggling at some point during their schooling.

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Important Factors That Might Influence the Instructional Method


It was discovered that the student’s struggle to learn may be attributable to a variety of factors that are present within the child himself.

Intellectual Factor

Intellectual factor refers to the unique mental capacity of the individual.

The level of one’s intellect has been shown to have a strong correlation to one’s academic success.

Students with low intelligence levels frequently struggle mightily when attempting to master their assigned schoolwork.

There are instances in which students are unable to learn due to special intellectual disabilities.

It is possible that he has a certain deficiency based on the low score he received in a subject in addition to the scores he received in the other subjects.

The field of psychology has shown us that there are numerous types of intelligence that can be possessed by an individual.

When it comes to guiding students and making diagnoses of learning disabilities, having some understanding of the characteristics of their intellectual make-up is extremely helpful.

The individual’s current level of capability is extremely important in determining how successful a learning process will be.

Learning Factors

Any student’s learning process can be hindered by a variety of factors, including a poor grasp of the material that has been presented, inefficient ways of working or studying, and a limited range of prior experiential knowledge.

Let’s say that the pace of instruction at the school is too fast, and that teachers don’t regularly assess whether or not students are grasping the concepts being presented to them. In this scenario, the student will accumulate shortcomings, interrupting their ability to make satisfactory progress.

In the field of mathematics, for example, having a strong foundation in addition is necessary for performing well when working with multiplication.

In addition to this, the lack of strength will make a direct contribution to the deficit in multiplication.

A lack of reading comprehension or an inability to communicate effectively in English may also contribute to poor performance in history.

In a similar vein, the student may learn ineffective ways to study as a direct result of the poor teaching they received.

There are a wide variety of other types of challenges that can impede progress, all of which are important to learning factors.

Physical Factors

The terms “health,” “nutrition,” and “physical development,” as well as “glandular abnormality,” and  visual and physical defects,” are all included in this category of factors. It is a commonly held belief that poor health can slow down a person’s physical and motor development and that malnutrition can interfere with both physical and learning development.

Reading and spelling are just two examples of the many skills that are significantly more difficult to acquire for children who have visual, auditory, or other physical abnormalities.

Furthermore, various internal secretion glands, such as the pituitary and thyroid glands, have been shown to influence behaviour. These glands include the pituitary gland and the thyroid gland. Because of this, the health of the learner is likely to have an effect on both his capacity to learn and ability to focus.

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Mental Factors

Mental factors include one’s attitude.

Elements, both kinesthetic and organic, contribute to the formation of attitudes. They are distinct from bodily discomfort-related emotions.

Attitudes can be characterised as being of a more or less definite kind. They are responsible for a significant portion of the individual’s mental organisation as well as their general behaviour.

The formation of a person’s personality is also heavily influenced by their attitudes.

These mentalities include things like affection, cheerfulness,  interest, prejudice, loyalty, and open-mindedness.

In addition, attitudes have a stimulative effect on the rate of teaching and learning strategies, as well as the advancement made in school.

The learner’s mindset can have a significant impact on the effectiveness and speed with which work is completed from day to day.

Maintaining a positive mental attitude makes learning easier. The nature of the factor of interest is inextricably linked to that of symbolic drive and reward.

Emotional And Social Factors

Motivation’s complex psychology is directly related to both individual factors such as emotions and instincts as well as social factors such as rivalry and cooperation. It’s a well-known fact that a wide variety of tendencies are responsible for determining the different responses that an individual exhibits in response to a wide variety of stimuli.

Some of these factors are helpful, while others can be detrimental to one’s well-being. For instance, a student may grow to despise a particular topic over time because he is unable to appreciate its value or believes that it is lacking in foundation.

A number of the students’ constant unhappiness can be attributed to their constant fear of receiving the rejection of both their instructors and their peers. This is an unwholesome attitude that has a significant impact on the process of learning and needs to be avoided. Inadequate training is frequently to blame for situations like this one.

The awareness or the delusion that one is less fortunate than others in terms of welfare can give rise to social discontent.

Personality of a Teacher

The teacher, as a distinct individual with their personality, is an essential component of the learning environment and plays a significant role in the success or failure of the student.

The way his personality interacts with the personalities of the learners being instructed influences the type of behaviour that emerges from the classroom.

The most important aspect of a teacher’s job is not the day-to-day execution of responsibilities but rather the capacity to guide and motivate students by virtue of teacher’s moral character and setting an example for them to follow.

In the strictest sense, an individual’s personality is comprised of all of the components that contribute to the formation of who they are as a person; it is the intricate set of qualities that sets them apart from others of their kind.

As a result, personality is the result of a variety of interconnected forces.

To put it another way, a person’s personality is a combination of physical appearance, mental capacity, emotional behaviour, and attitudes towards other people. As a result, competent learning and teaching are the result of the educator’s integrated personality.

In general, students do not appreciate having a teacher who is grumpy and cannot keep his temper under control in front of the class.

If a teacher has a temper, it will be impossible for them to inspire students and spread positivity to people around them.

Students look up to, appreciate, and are enthusiastic about a teacher who is happy, sympathetic, and cheerful.

Love for one’s students, compassion for the things that are important to them, tolerance, and the ability to comprehend what they are trying to say are all necessary ingredients for successful instruction and learning.

As a result, the educator needs to be aware of the fact that every action he takes in the classroom has the potential to directly influence the behaviour of the living organism that is constructing new knowledge.

Environmental Factor

A learner’s environment is the social and physical setting in which they engage in education.

Consequently, the learning setting is a factor in the success of the learning process as a whole.

The actual classrooms, as well as the textbooks, equipment, and supplies used in the classroom, as well as other medium of instructional can be included as part of the environmental factors.

If education is to be successful in producing the outcomes that are sought after, learning environments must be conducive to success on both the academic and domestic fronts.

Thus, the quantity and quality of available teaching resources significantly affect the school’s ability to fulfil its primary purpose of educating its students.

To conduct an effective job of teaching at a facility that is of low quality and lacks enough resources is difficult.

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Differentiating Instruction for Students with Diverse Personalities


Earning a degree in teaching will provide you with a thorough understanding of the many learning styles of your future students.

The idea that each student has a unique learning style tied to his or her preferred method of learning is one of the most essential ideas in the educational literature.

The concept that a student’s preferred learning method constitutes the optimal approach to education has been disproved in recent years.

However, the idea that each student learns in their own unique way is promoted through the use of learning styles, which has gained widespread acceptance in the educational system.

While there is no one best way to teach a class, teachers can better tailor lessons to each student by understanding their different learning styles.

The VARK Model

Different learning styles will remain a focal point in the classroom as a way for teachers to better assist their students and personalise their instruction.

There are a number of models that are connected to different types of learning, but the one of the most popular ones is VARK model because it adequately addresses the variety of learner needs and preferences.

This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the VARK learning styles, as well as detailed instructions on how to recognise each of these preferences in students and incorporate them into lesson plans. It is important to keep in mind that students cannot be neatly classified into one category.

When it comes to matters of style, there is frequently some overlap in the preferences of learners, particularly with regard to both content and activity.

Visual Learning

Recognizing visual learners. Students who are visual learners benefit from being able to see and do hands-on activities related to the topics that they are studying. Visual learners are most successful when they access information through the use of pictures, diagrams, and written directions.

This type of learning has also been referred to as “spatial” learning.

Students who learn best through images or spatial relationships may benefit from sketching, making lists, or taking notes to engage with and process the information.

Providing assistance to visual learners. Some of the more conventional methods of instruction, such as using chalkboards or projecting lectures onto a screen, provide assistance to visual learners.

Learners might be tasked with drawing pictures or infographics for their assignments.

In addition, an excellent strategy for incorporating visual learning into your curriculum is to give students handouts or notes from class that they can use to follow the lesson.

Those who learn best through seeing things may find listening to lectures challenging, and they may require additional time to process the information they take in auditorily.

Auditory Learning

Recognizing auditory learners. Those students in your class who are auditory learners learn best by listening to information and making connections to sounds.

These are the students who would rather listen to a lecture or recording of a lecture than take written notes during the class.

Students who think aloud and talk their way through a concept in order to better understand it could also fall into this category.

It’s likely that the students who learn best through their ears are also the loudest in the room.

It’s also possible that they are the ones who read out loud to themselves.

In addition, auditory learners frequently paraphrase what a teacher has said in order to comprehend what is being instructed fully.

Supporting learners who take in information through their hearing. One way to help auditory learners in your classroom is to schedule plenty of time for group discussion. They believe that listening to what others have to say and contributing their thoughts is the best way to learn and organise information.

Ask auditory learners to summarise what they have learned and then repeat it back to you while you are giving a presentation.

Auditory learners can also benefit from processes that involve call and response, such as question and answer sessions.

In addition, auditory learners enjoy listening to audiobooks and recordings, as well as watching videos that are related to the subject matter.

Reading/Writing Learning


Recognizing reading/writing learners. The reading-and-writing learning style is frequently confused with the visual learning style because reading-and-writing learners prefer to learn through the use of the written word.

Learning styles that favour reading and writing are separated from those that favour visuals by the fact that the former prefer to express their ideas in written form. This may appear to be a form of visual learning.

In addition to this, they enjoy keeping diaries or notebooks and reading articles.

Your students who are learning to read and write may already be savvy users of search engines and possibly even traditional encyclopaedias. They devour books in an effort to satisfy their insatiable thirst for knowledge.

Supporting reading and writing learners. Reading and writing learners receive a lot of attention and support from the traditional educational system because it was designed with them in mind. Research, reading books, and writing are the primary modes of instruction for the reader and writer learner.

Writing an essay or completing a writing assignment is usually sufficient to keep them occupied.

These students might not be quite as outgoing vocally as other students who learn best through hearing; but, when it comes to the written word, they are exceptional communicators. Allow the reading/writing students time to compose their responses and work through their thoughts.

Kinesthetic Learning

Identifying kinesthetic learners. Kinesthetic, also known as tactile, learners gain knowledge through experience and active participation. They prefer to learn by doing, sometimes playing out scenarios or talking with their hands in their laps.

Some people who learn best through movement may appear restless in class. Kinesthetic learners are those who learn best by actively engaging all of their senses to accomplish a task, such as the highly skilled athletes and dancers. This is due to the fact that kinesthetic learners have a natural talent for interpreting and acting out physical instructions, such as those given for a game or dance.

Providing assistance to kinesthetic learners. The best way to teach students who are kinesthetic learners is to utilise their bodies, thus teachers of this type may have their pupils reenact book chapters or use other forms of physical activity to help them understand the material. Kinesthetic learners are supported by providing this assistance.

Furthermore, kinesthetic learners are more likely to retain information when it is connected to action. One example of this would be teaching vocabulary using the total physical response method. A kinesthetic learner establishes a connection with something on a physical level is able to use the information gained to comprehend ideas that are more theoretical and abstract.

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There is a good chance that you can identify with at least one of these descriptions. For the coursework you need to complete for your education degree, for instance, you might find that reading diagrams and charts is more helpful to you than listening to a lecture.

Researching potential solutions to a specific issue with classroom management might not be the best use of your time, and you might find that acting out a scene in the classroom is a better use of your time. You, as an educator, should be aware of the ways in which you prefer to learn, and you should make it a point to include activities and opportunities in which students of varying learning styles can participate while feeling at ease and interested.

Content Summary

  • You will gain a better understanding of how your ability to learn new things is impacted by factors such as your age, gender, environment, and skill level.
  • There are many things that can have an effect on learning, but the two primary categories are internal resources and external resources.
  • Both an individual’s level of intelligence and their level of memorisation ability are examples of internal resources, while examples of external resources include the type of education an individual has received as well as their environment (or surroundings).
  • Factors that influence learning are going to be the topic of discussion in today’s blog post.
  • Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge and abilities through either direct experience or exposure to existing information.
  • Important Factors That Might Influence the Instructional Method
  • Intellectual factor refers to the unique mental capacity of the individual.
  • There are instances in which students are unable to learn due to special intellectual disabilities.
  • When it comes to guiding students and making diagnoses of learning disabilities, having some understanding of the characteristics of their intellectual make-up is extremely helpful.
  • There are a wide variety of other types of challenges that can impede progress, all of which are important to learning factors.
  • Mental factors include one’s attitude.
  • Maintaining a positive mental attitude makes learning easier.
  • The teacher, as a distinct individual with their personality, is an essential component of the learning environment and plays a significant role in the success or failure of the student.
  • The most important aspect of a teacher’s job is not the day-to-day execution of responsibilities but rather the capacity to guide and motivate students by virtue of the teacher’s moral character and setting an example for them to follow.
  • As a result, competent learning and teaching are the results of the educator’s integrated personality.
  • A learner’s environment is the social and physical setting in which they engage in education.
  • Consequently, the learning setting is a factor in the success of the learning process as a whole.
  • Differentiating Instruction for Students with Diverse Personalities
  • Earning a degree in teaching will provide you with a thorough understanding of the many learning styles of your future students.
  • Different learning styles will remain a focal point in the classroom as a way for teachers to better assist their students and personalise their instruction.
  • When it comes to matters of style, there is frequently some overlap in the preferences of learners, particularly with regard to both content and activity.
  • In addition, an excellent strategy for incorporating visual learning into your curriculum is to give students handouts or notes from class that they can use to follow the lesson.
  • Those students in your class who are auditory learners learn best by listening to information and making connections to sounds.
  • One way to help auditory learners in your classroom is to schedule plenty of time for group discussion.
  • The reading-and-writing learning style is frequently confused with the visual learning style because reading-and-writing learners prefer to learn through the use of the written word.
  • Allow the reading/writing students time to compose their responses and work through their thoughts.
  • Some people who learn best through movement may appear restless in class.
  • This is due to the fact that kinesthetic learners have a natural talent for interpreting and acting out physical instructions, such as those given for a game or dance.
  • Kinesthetic learners are more likely to retain information when it is connected to action.
  • As an educator, should be aware of the ways in which you prefer to learn, and you should make it a point to include activities and opportunities in which students of varying learning styles can participate while feeling at ease and interested.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Three Factors That Influence Learning?

There are many different ways that people can learn, but there are three primary factors that influence how quickly you can learn anything new: your intelligence (IQ), the prior knowledge you need, and the quality of the instruction you receive.

What Are the Key Factors of Child Development During Teaching and Learning?

A child who is enjoying the attention, care, patience, play, communication will be willing to learn quickly, to develop his relationships. When we observe child development we have to look after the following child development skills: gross motors, fine motors, language, cognitive and social.

What Is the Most Important Influence in Child Development?

Family is almost certainly the most important factor in child development. In early childhood especially, parents are the ones who spend the most time with their children and we (sometimes unwittingly) influence the way they act and think and behave.

What Are the Two Major Influences on Child Development?

Nature (what your child is born with; their inherited characteristics and abilities) and nurture (what you do for your child) both have an impact on your child’s brain development (what your child experiences, the care they receive, and the relationships they have with people).

What Influences a Child’s Learning?

A child’s home, family, and daily life have a strong effect on his or her ability to learn. Parents and guardians can control some things in their child’s life and environment, but not everything. Some factors that can affect early learning include: Parents’ education.


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Dr. Olga Abeysekera

Dr Olga Abeysekera, founder of Dr Study Tutoring and the Dr Progress Group Pty Ltd, is passionate about transforming education through innovative and personalised tutoring. With a PhD in Management from Monash University and a background in both academic research and private tutoring, she has a deep commitment to helping students excel.
Her holistic approach at Dr Study Tutoring emphasises not only academic success but also the development of lifelong skills, ensuring that each student receives the best education and support possible. Dr Olga’s dedication to continuous improvement drives her mission to inspire a love for learning that lasts a lifetime.

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